Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lisbon is like a contradiction to Japan! It is loud, dirty, gritty, old and aged in areas, no-glitz, etc - and it is all part of its charm! The Portugese are so full of life and love of people and food. It is so different from our life, people grow up in the same neighbourhood and all know each other. We have just been enjoying the simple time of getting lost in winding streets, sitting in cafes and pastry shops to enjoy a good coffee, wandering in parks to enjoy the shade from the unseasonable heat, and eating some wonderful meals in tiny, simple restaurants. No agenda, no special plans. We did go up the hill to see the castle, it has some spectacular views of the city. We have been exploring all sorts of neighbourhoods on subway, buses, trams and mostly by foot (boy, do you feel the cobblestones by the end of the end of the day!). Off to get lost again and discover another great place to eat...
Any suggestions from anybody for places to see in the south of Portugal - we will be riding out towards Setebal to start, then along the west coast, to the south (avoiding Faro, etc), and then up into the central/east area, back across to Lisbon... Suggestions and favourites welcome!!