Monday, May 11, 2009

Day late, but hard to keep track of a calendar... HAPPY MOTHERs DAY - to my mum (love you lots), and Joanne, and all my friends and family reading this who are mothers... I have the greatest admiration for all of you (and awe for what you do everyday when I can barely manage myself... and a bit of happy-felt envy)
Another grey day, but we will be staying in Evora to take a break and explore the town, hope to get out to ride along the aqquaduct if the weather cooperates.
Cycling hasnt been all bad (OK Im mellowing or just forgetting...) - people regularly honked and waved to gave us encouragement... we did see some very pretty countryside... and people have certainly tried to be helpful getting us back on track - but you can tell they arent used to cyclists when they give you directions onto a major highway (think 401 around Kingston!).
Last evening was lovely, though cold. We saw some beautiful churches and roman ruins. One had peacocks sitting all over it which really added to the overall impression of grandeur (though for birds that arent supposed to fly Im still not sure how they got up to the top arches).
I have not sought during my life to
amass wealth and to adorn my body, buut I have sought to adorn my soul with the jewels of wisdom, patience, and above all with a love of liberty
- Socrates