Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spent my first week off getting lots of errands done, including getting my travel shots and medications all up-to-date so am ready for anything now (except perhaps Japanese encephalitis but I just won't go near pigs in remote villages ;) Also needed a bit of time to let go of work - that is taking a little longer then I thought it would, hard to turn off after so many years. I realized I have been working non-stop (even during school/university) since I was 16 years old. (Except for a period due to a car accident, but that I'm not counting). Not counting all the various odds and ends, babysitting, etc I did prior - but being on a payroll for 25+ years... That thought finally made me let go - and start to enjoy every moment of this break.

My first trip is with my niece Tamara - we're going to run off together for a girls' week before she has to start hanging out with the oncology gang again. I offered her the world - "where do you want to go"... only to find out I couldn't take her there - ARGH! Didn't realize I couldn't take family on other airlines standby - Scott could take her, but I can't. Then there were so many places that I could get us into, but couldn't guarantee I could get us home... not such a bad thought being stranded in Chile or Hawaii, but we both have places to be. Wanting a place with culture and history, warm weather, new to both of us - this was getting challenging! Finally landed on Puerto Rico - throw in a rain forest and some beaches... and I think we have met our criteria! We leave Sunday at 10:30AM if all goes well - I'm just worried my karma has taken a turn for the worst - think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. Happy thoughts are currently being sent! You are a marvelous inspiration, Kathleen! Cheers, Starr n' Bee (and Noelle).
